Tag Archives: Assignment

Assignment #4: Africa in the 1960s

Please post a comment that, in a few sentences, captures what the 1960s were about in Africa.  Please also take a look at your classmates’ comments and feel free to “comment on their comments” if you disagree or have something to add.  Ideally, this will serve as a virtual discussion similar to the one we had at the start of the semester on what your thoughts were on the 1960s as a whole.

Assignment: ‘The System’

* IMPORTANT: You will ‘share’ your writing with the class (and world potentially) by posting it in a comment to this post rather than ‘turning it in’. Please include your initials on your post.

George Meany once introduced Alexander Solzhenitsyn with these words:  We heed this voice not because it speaks for the left or the right or for any faction, but because it hurls truth and courage into the teeth of total power when it would be so much easier and more comfortable to submit and to embrace the lies by which that power lives.  What is the strength of this voice? How has it broken through to us when others have been stilled? Its strength is art. 

Both Kubrik and Solzhenitsyn were artists, but thoughtful artists plugged into a shared consciousness that existed in the 1960s.

Using ‘Dr. Strangelove’ and ‘One Day in the Life’ as documents, please write a 2-3 page paper on a topic of your own choosing. You must:

  1. Include a thesis about the times (i.e. a historical argument, not a literary one)
  2. Address connections between both sources.
  3. Support your argument with citations from each source.
  4. Include where relevant historical events/persons from readings and class discussions.

and in case you thought we got over the absurdity:

Utopian Building Schemes

Listen to the following broadcast of the Urbanist. [This will take 53 min.]

* from the Monocles’ Urbanist – 29 Jan 2015

In an essay of not more than two pages, explain how the utopian building schemes of the 1960s are a function of the times. That is, how do these construction projects make sense as part of the historical era? They are the products of a certain time and, therefore, should be explainable contextually. So, what conditions created the impetus, vision, and the attitudes toward design that we see in building sites around the globe during the 1960s?



Assignment One: What Were the 1960s?

In class we discussed our common assumptions about the 60s and used the PERCS  acronym to get at some of the features of the decade. You wrote a paragraph about how you summarized the 1960s. Please attach your paragraph (yes, you will have to type it) as a comment to this post so everyone can see your response. Be sure to include your first name and initial so we know who you are.